Take water in one hand, fire it through a stream of ice from the other and you’ll create ice cubes that land and convincingly scatter about the floor. But you’ll soon discover a set of systems all playing together at once. On the surface, they’re mostly self-explanatory the resize powers lets you supersize anything from coffee mugs to cafeteria snacks, whilst fire can melt away ice and water can in turn drown out fire. Cosmonious feels like it’s missing its own Green Stars. Super Mario games are universal in their appeal because they expertly onboard people new to games, whilst also engaging and challenging experienced players with later levels that unlock coveted rewards, like Green Stars. Cosmonious has more than enough ingredients for an innovative and exciting adventure, but it never pushes them as far as they can go. And that’s a shame, because it doesn’t have to be a case of catering to one or the other.
You could easily swap Job Simulator or Vacation Simulator out of a ‘VR 101’ pack and replace it with this latest beginner’s course.īut, on the flipside, Cosmonious is missing the challenge and gameplay design that would really satisfy those that have been with VR since the days of Job Simulator. Owlchemy’s mission is to make games that are as welcoming as possible to new VR users and, at a time where Quest 2 is selling so strongly, there’s never been more people to welcome. On the one hand, this isn’t a big problem. If you’re new to VR, then these refined versions of past hits will be a joy to discover, but anyone that’s already played through Job and Vacation Simulator will likely find this to be a case of diminishing returns. There’s another set of cooking objectives like those in Job Simulator, for example, and some of Vacation Simulator’s artistic tools find a new home here too. These objectives often boil down to minigames, some of which borrow heavily from past Owlchemy titles. They’re given out for completing tasks set by teachers and classmates, as well as taking part in other activities around the school. To do this, you’ll utilize some newfound superpowers and earn credits, which are your rewards that unlock more areas of the school. As you arrive the overruling AI system goes haywire and, with the teachers either too busy or outright unwilling to save the day, you and your newfound friends - a cast of plucky misfits and dramatics - step in to fix things up. Like Vacation Simulator before it, Cosmonious High sees you completing missions and side-objectives, swapping the sunny island locations for the titular sci-fi school where you play as a new student on their first day. Like Job and Vacation Simulator before it, it’s a wonderfully vibrant experience filled with rewarding interactions, complex systems and lovable characters that efficiently showcases the strengths of the medium.īut, if you’ve already graduated from one of developer Owlchemy Labs’ older games and are looking for a deeper gameplay experience, then Cosmonious High might not be for you. Read on for our Cosmonious High review.Ĭosmonious High would be an amazing pack-in game for a VR headset. But those looking for a deeper experience will be left wanting. Cosmonious High is another excellent adventure for VR newcomers with a rich, playful world.